How to Find a Reputable Long Island Bed Bug Exterminating Company

If you’ve recently discovered that your home is infested with bed bugs, you need to act fast. The best way to get the problem under control is by contacting a reputable Long Island exterminating company. Beach Pest Control is premier pest control operator that specializes in the extermination of bed bugs. For more than 10 years, the highly trained, professional technicians have been eradicating these troubling pests for the residents and business owners of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. When Best Pest Control is on the job, you can rest assured that your property will be cleared of bed bugs in no time!

If you’re in need of Long Island bed bug treatment, you’ll quickly find that there is no shortage of options to choose from. Unfortunately, however, not all of these pest control operators are created equally. While they all say that they use the most advanced techniques and are highly skilled at removing bed bugs, in reality, however, that might not be the case.

When it comes to Long Island bed bug control, you don’t want to take a chance. Settling for anything less than exceptional just won’t cut it. Unless the company knows exactly what they’re doing – and has the proven track record to prove it – instead of getting rid of the problem, they just might make it worse.

So, how do you go about finding a reputable Long Island bed bug exterminator that can nip those bed bugs in the bud? Here are some tips to keep in mind before you schedule a Long Island bed bug fumigation service.

Ask for Recommendations

Ask friends, family members, colleagues, or anyone else you trust if they have ever worked with an exterminator. If so, ask if they would recommend the company. The people you know will offer their real, candid reviews of the exterminating companies they’ve worked with.

Ask for Testimonials

If you don’t know anyone who has hired an exterminator, check out the testimonials of the companies you are considering. In this day-and-age, finding testimonials for companies in any industry can be done with a quick search on the good old Internet. Type in the company’s name and see what you can dig up; you probably won’t have to dig very deep to find reviews. Sites like Yelp are excellent resources. You can find out what customers who have used the company had to say about their experiences.

Find Out About their Techniques

There are a variety of techniques that can be used to treat bed bugs; however, some are more effective than others. While there are some pesticides that can successfully eradicate bed bugs, these pests are very adaptable. They’ve actually developed immunities to many chemicals, rendering a lot of pesticides ineffective. The most effective extermination methods include heat, steam, and freezing; therefore, a highly reputable exterminating company will employ these types of advanced and proven tactics.

Make sure you find out what strategies they use so you can be sure that their efforts will yield positive results.

Ask About the Process

You should never, under any circumstances, agree to have a bed bug treatment done without first having an inspection. Reputable exterminators will perform a thorough assessment of your property before they start treatment. An inspection allows them to determine the extent of the infestation and the areas they need to concentrate one so that they can devise the most effective treatment plan possible. If the company doesn’t provide a pre-inspection, consider that a red flag and keep on looking.

Check Credentials

A professional exterminating company will be fully licensed and insured. Licensure certifies that they have received all of the necessary training to perform exterminations, and insurance protects you from any mishaps that might occur during or after the treatment.

A reputable company will have no problem showing you their credentials; however, if the company is hesitant to divulge this information or keeps dancing around it, proceed with caution; or better yet, don’t proceed at all.

An infestation of bed bugs is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by a professional exterminator that knows how to handle these pests. Don’t run the risk of hiring a sub-par pest control operator; doing so could end up causing even more damage – and costing you a tremendous amount of money.

Beach Pest Control is one of the most highly rated exterminating companies that services Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Bed bug control is their specialty, and their proven track record of success proves just how exceptional their services and results are. To schedule an appointment with Long Island bed bug removal or request a quote, call 929.236.4400 or visit